I developed an interest in understanding the natural stones that can be found geologically.
Looking through reference texts, there are numerous types of rocks and stones that can be found throughout Taiwan. I collect here some of the images and characterization of these materials that I have found from Eastern Taiwan, specifically the county of Hualien. Additional updates when and if any new rocks, stones, and materials are found.
Standard techniques from x-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and optical microscopy are utilized to carry out elemental and structural identification of material.
Sample holders: Silicon holder, Glass, Phosphorescent holder.
- Rhodonite 薔薇輝石
- Nephrite 台灣玉
- Serpentine 蛇紋石
- Antigorite 葉蛇紋石
- Chrysotile 纖蛇紋石
- Lizardite 蜥蛇紋石
- and more to come!