Rhodonite 薔薇輝石

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In the class of materials commonly referred to as Manganese (Mn) rich rocks. Chemical composition typically MnSiO3 [1] — with additional dopants and impurities (Mn2+,Fe2+, Mg, Ca)SiO3 the rocks are sometimes also termed rhodonite.

Bulk piece of rock found in Hualien, placed on grid 5 mm by 5 mm.
A slice of the bulk rock sawed off, thickness ~2 mm.

Two XRD scans.

XRD Fig. 1. X-ray diffraction (sample 4 measured March 13, 2019).

Including a peak analysis:

XRD Fig. 2. X-ray diffraction curve at a different spot of the sample (sample 4 measured on March 13, 2019).

The rhodonite in this case is not only MnSiO3, rather the rock consists of several additional phases.

0. – Do you start counting from zero?
1. -方建能 and 洪莫愁 (2017) “臺灣寶石:常見寶石與石材資源.” 初版. 臺北市: 臺灣博物館.